
Lynn is the Marketing/Social Media Specialist at MMCU. Her favorite part of her job is working with a great team and designing marketing materials. She has four kids (Miranda, Tommy, Levi, Sharalynn) and a gray and white tuxedo cat named Yami. In her spare time, she enjoys reading historical romance novels. Her favorite authors are Christina Dodd, Candace Camp, and Mary Balogh.
Lynn describes herself as cheerful, kind, and dependable. If she could have one superpower, it would be the power of healing. If she could learn anything, she’d love to play the piano. She enjoys any kind of travel, but dreams of visiting London. What is her favorite meal? “My mom’s vegetable soup or pot roast!”
Ice cream is the one thing she can’t resist, especially Rocky Road or Deer Tracks. Her process for turning a bad day into a good one is putting on a smile and thinking on all the good things in life. Her idea of a perfect day is doing something fun outside with her amazing husband and children. What is Lynn’s favorite childhood memory? “Playing outside in the summer while my mom worked in the garden.”