
Terry has been a Teller at MMCU for six years. Getting to know the members and learning new things are her favorite parts of her job. In her spare time, she enjoys playing bingo. She has one daughter named Terri. Her dogs are Kaia, a Sable Shepherd, and Kona, a Siberian Husky. She would love to learn sign language. Seafood is her favorite food and she’s a big fan of the Cardinals.
Terry describes herself as dependable, loyal, and helpful. She thinks her friends would say she is dependable, helpful, and bossy. She dreams of traveling the country one road trip at a time. Yellowstone is her favorite show, and she likes to listen to Soft Rock and Country music.
If she won the lottery, Terry would buy a new house. Chocolate is the one thing she just can’t resist. What is her idea of a perfect day? “Spending time with my daughter.”